Program Description
Measurement System Analysis (MSA) is an evaluation of any measurement procedure. The outcome of the MSA is to either accept any measurement system as valid and use it for taking measurements, reject it or recommend changes to improve the accuracy and precision of the measurement system. MSA is an important milestone before data collection for either production purposes, acceptance of any measurement system or gage or before any process improvement.
Target Audience:
This class is designed for those individuals who involve in a variety of process areas across the functions of the company.
Customer Testimonials

Exceed my learning expectations!
DivergenZ exceeds my learning expectations! The initial "assurance and define information" given to me by their team have elevated my curiosity to a more stable and solid ground of assurance and new-found learning during my inquiry days. Learnings enhanced me more to apply new skills, new approaches, new structures, and new systematized methodologies!

Unlocking my achievement with the right provider!
I am beyond ecstatic to unlock this achievement with the right choice of provider - DivergenZ! I am thrilled to have found DivergenZ! I initially thought it would be hard to commit half days of my two weekends, but later, I realized these weekends were too short when you’re having fun learning something new.

Revolutionized art of Learning Lean Six Sigma
DivergenZ revolutionized the art of learning. From its modules down to its practical and engaging way of teaching Lean Six Sigma principles, approaches, and methodologies. I like the practical application of the Six Sigma tools. The sessions promote teamwork and actual analysis of the problem that will enable participants to develop correct solutions. It is very engaging, and you will surely appreciate the lessons and come to know them by heart!

Training was not overwhelming!
I would recommend DivergenZ Training and Consulting because the way they executed the training was not overwhelming. The topics were divided correctly and well discussed for easier understanding. There were lots of engaging activities which helped us learn the issues even more. Overall it was a fun and informative learning experience for me.
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